Family Portrait

Family Portrait
DJ, Shannon, Hailey & Katie

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hailey had the most amazing year!  Going from middle school to high school really brought out her personality and sense of adventure.

The first two big changes were the teenage rites of passage - braces and glasses.

As much as she HATED them, she doesn't regret them for a second.  Check out this gorgeousness!!!

During the 9 month work, she had some amazing adventures.

Photo scavenger hunt birthday party!  (The picture below was of her group, chauffered by Uncle Jason.  This picture was taken outside her high school!)

This fall she went to Homecoming with several friends.  Our house was the pre-party!

Doesn't she look beautiful???

This summer we visited the Kansas City temple with the youth group.  Hailey also went to Youth Conference and Girl's Camp.

Hailey also started marching band, as a melophone, and she absolutely LOVES it!

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