Family Portrait

Family Portrait
DJ, Shannon, Hailey & Katie

Monday, December 10, 2012


Pictures are going to be sparse, in that Katie hates them...

She has been pretty active this year at staying out of the limelight.  Her birthday party was a sleepover with about 12 girls.  They had a blast!  She got her new cell phone, and had a really good time.

She loved the trip to Gatlinburg, especially when she got to hold parrots.  She also joined us in Kansas City, MO for the temple trip, and had a great time at Girl's Camp.

She loves to play Louie (her trombone) and actually got a new one (to her) this year, when we bought instruments instead of just borrowing from the school.

She is very involved at school with Science Club, Math Club, band and vocal music.

She also loves going to the temple and serving in the Beehives Presidency at church.

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